About myself

Lorena Rivero De Beer Counselling and Psychotherapy in Liverpool

About myself
13th February 2025 
About my integrative practice
About myself

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About myself. Me 2024

Who am I?

I was born in Spain in 1977 and moved to England in 2003 where I wrote an MA in art and philosophy and a PhD in cultural studies. After some years working as an artist and a lecturer in cultural theory and contemporary performance I trained as a Person Centred Therapist. In 2015, a year after I qualified as Person Centred Therapist, I also started training as a Lacanian Psychoanalyst.

I have worked as a counsellor and psychotherapist in Liverpool and Merseyside since 2014. I worked with different groups, including young people and adults diagnosed with ADHD, women survivors of violence, university students and the general public. Also during the last couple of years I have increasingly started to integrate in my practice the Lacanian psychoanalytic orientation.

Alongside my work as a psychotherapist and psychoanalyst in formation, I work as an intercultural artist in the field of performance and I practice and study Zen meditation. I believe those continualy feed into my practice as a psychotherapist by giving it futher levels of deepness and awareness.

“The mainspring of creativity appears to be the same tendency which we discover so deeply as the curative force in psychotherapy—humans’ tendency to develop their potential.”